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Dana International's
new song is called "Gotta Move On"
and it was only available
as a promo CD,
but now it can be found
in Napster as well.
It contains some samples
David Bowie's song
"Ashes to Ashes"
and her voice is distorted
like in "Black Coffee"
sung by All Saints.
Posted on mailing
1-Sepember-2000 by
Published 1-September-2000
on Israeli Newspaper
On Tuesday, September
7th 2000
On Israel Channel
2 TV,
A new documentary
Dana International
will be broadcast.
The name of the documentary:
'Lady D.' .
This documentary has
been shot for 10 days
following Dana's tour
to Vienna & Russia
(with Philip Kurkov)
and in Israel.
The show portieres
Dana as a fighter for all
things just and anti-racist
in the world. and also
the 'regular Dana'
in T-shirt and Jeans.